Biologisch abbaubares Streurohr für Haustiere, Ascheurne für Haustiere

(1 Kundenbewertung)

Biologisch abbaubares Streurohr für Haustiere, Ascheurne für Haustiere

Modell Nr: B051

The Biodegradable Pet Scattering Tube, Ash Urn for Pets is the perfect way to say goodbye to your furry friend. The urn is made of biodegradable materials, so it can be easily disposed of after the service. The urn is also lightweight and easy to carry, making it perfect for traveling. Plus, the urn has a small hole on the top that allows you to scatter your pet’s ashes in a beautiful location.

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Made of biodegradable materials

Funnel top for easy pet scattering

Secure screw-on lid

1 Bewertung für Biologisch abbaubares Streurohr für Haustiere, Ascheurne für Haustiere

  1. Avatar von lucy


    Serves purpose for scattering my ashes. Beautiful picture on urn.

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