K9 Dog Training Bite Suit

(1 famerenana mpanjifa)

K9 Dog Training Bite Suit

Modely No: DBT004


This K9 Dog Training Bite Suit is made of high quality and durable material. It is comfortable to wear and allows unrestricted movement. The suit provides full protection for the dog’s body and allows the handler to control the dog with ease. The suit is ideal for police dog training, Schutzhund dog training, and other protection dog training.

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-Made of high quality, durable materials that will protect your dog during training.

-Full protection for the torso, legs, and head, and ideal for schutzhund or police dog training.

-Mora apetraka sy esorina, and allows your dog freedom of movement while training.

-Machine washable and can be dried quickly.

-A must-have for any serious dog trainer.

1 famerenana ho an'ny K9 Dog Training Bite Suit

  1. avatar ny darwin


    This is very sturdy and a great value. We used it with our Malinois.

Manampia hevitra

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